Source code for ripple.base

from copy import deepcopy

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from .constants import FEATURE_EXTRACTOR, OUTPUT_LAYER
from .model import RippleModel

[docs]class Base(nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__(self, model: RippleModel) -> None: """Base Class for Ripple modules. Args: model (RippleModel): Ripple Model """ super().__init__() self.model = model
[docs] def copy_layer(self, name: str) -> nn.Module: """Provides a copy of a particular part of the model. Args: name (Literal[FEATURE_EXTRACTOR, OUTPUT_LAYER]): Supported \ layers that can be copied. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the input argument is not \ in the supported choices. Returns: nn.Module: A copy of the requested module """ assert name in [FEATURE_EXTRACTOR, OUTPUT_LAYER] if name == FEATURE_EXTRACTOR: layer = self.model.feature_extractor elif name == OUTPUT_LAYER: layer = self.model.output_layer[0] else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported layer name") assert isinstance(layer, nn.Module), ( f"Expected nn.Module, received {type(layer)} for Name: {name} Model:" f" {self.model}" ) state_dict = deepcopy(layer.state_dict()) new_layer = deepcopy(layer) new_layer.load_state_dict(state_dict=state_dict) return new_layer
@property def is_classification(self): return self.model.is_classification def get_features(self, input_tensor: torch.Tensor, training: bool) -> torch.Tensor: self.model.feature_extractor.train(training) return self.model.feature_extractor(input_tensor) def get_output(self, input_tensor: torch.Tensor, training: bool) -> torch.Tensor: self.model.feature_extractor.train(training) self.model.output_layer.train(training) return self.model(input_tensor) def get_output_from_features( self, input_features: torch.Tensor, training ) -> torch.Tensor: self.model.output_layer.train(training) return self.model.output_layer(input_features)